
Charles Edda and Charles Bouley addresses frameworks within the Department of Homeland Security cyber operational and critical infrastructure protection requirements. In fiscal year 2011, in response to the increasing importance of the cybersecurity mission, Charles Edda and Charles Bouley and the Cognitive Institute of Dallas agreed in establishing the Cyber Security Division (CECB) within its mission and guides.  Charles Edda and Charles Bouley has been dedicated to protecting cyber space, networks and promoting quality of business reputations through online hacking and reputation degradation.

Because injury and organizational disability can shut down company and industry profitability Charles Edda and Charles Bouley has been dedicated to promoting online health and quality of life in business worlds.
Agency preparedness and recovery planning has been an intracule part of online survival.  Response activity before, during and after hacking or network intrusion helps organizations respond quickly and shut down attempts of malicious spy and hacking ware.

The Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response, the Department of Homeland Security and National Institute of Science and Technology leads the nation in preparedness and response and Charles Edda and Charles Bouley have created recovery, training and response activities from their frameworks.  According to President and CEO, Dr. Fisher believes, “being prepared to prevent, respond to, and recover rapidly from world wide web threats can save organizational maintenance. protect public image and client safety. By working with Charles Edda and Charles Bouley companies learn the first steps in securing network preparedness. They also cross he isle in community support and learn emergency preparedness, risk management and how their companies’ sustainability and reporting intrusion can make a difference to federal, state and local agencies.  

Charles Edda and Charles Bouley Partnerships
Charles Edda and Charles Bouley’s (CECB) work serves a wide range of customers by coordinating and cooperating with partners within the department and at other federal agencies, state and municipal administrations and first responders, private sector companies in a wide range of industries, Internet security researchers around the world and universities and national laboratories. CECB works to create partnerships between government and private industry, the venture capital community and the research community.

About Charles Edda & Charles Bouley
Founded in 1999, Charles Edda & Charles Bouley, Inc., is a premier provider of managed security risk assessment solutions protecting small business, medical and law firm’s sensitive data.  In 2015, the organization began its launch with the Cognitive Institute of Dallas. Vulnerability scanning, penetration testing, and security awareness training are CECB’s most popular offerings, each of which proactively improves the security of an organization’s confidential data.  CECB utilizes a unique Vulnerability Management as a Service and National Institute of Standards and Technology Framework delivery models to help organizations establish an effective culture of security and retain information security best practices, bringing lasting value to clients served. Contact Charles Edda and Charles Bouley at 888-657-7155 or http://cecb.oniapple.com.

About The Cognitive Institute of Dallas
The Cognitive Institute of Dallas is a 501c3 offering education and resources for communities for over 18 years. The Cognitive Institute of Dallas/Mangosteen Nonprofit Management Solutions and Charitable Giving Projects, Inc. a charity company. The Cognitive Institute of Dallas provides a full range of education, economic growth, federal and state funding to business and consumer services, consulting to businesses and individuals in the Austin, Corpus Christi, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, Permian Basin, Rio Grande Valley and San Antonio regions. Founded in 1991, The Cognitive Institute of Dallas has helped Texans with their needs. For more information, visit www.thecognitiveinstituteofdallas.org