
Too often, students – especially those from historically disadvantaged backgrounds, become frustrated with the process of navigating the higher education journey — resulting in confusion, lack of engagement, and eventually — that dreaded give-up point.

The California Transfer Support Network was created to help ease the transfer process for students. Our founder, Matthew Bagdasar, experienced firsthand the frustration of trying to transfer from a community college to a four-year university. From the complicated articulation agreements to the preferred path of transferring, every avenue for resources ultimately led to more questions. And with community college counselors stretched thin, who else is more capable of answering your community college transfer questions than a network of students who have gone through the process themselves?

Our goal is to stress the benefits of attending a California Community College and answer the questions that largely stand in the way of making the decision. Community Colleges are often associated with intense stigma, and overcoming this barrier is a significant challenge. However, it is our hope that by generating a curated plan for the student's specific request, we can demonstrate that transferring can open up a wide range of opportunities while also benefiting yourself in the long run by never walking into a loan office.