
Naankuse Foundation is a UK registered charity organisation based in Namibia and has two aims: to protect and conserve Namibia’s vulnerable wildlife and to improve the lives of the marginalised San Bushman community.

Naankuse now runs several projects including:

Supporting African Wildlife
- Our Wildlife Sanctuary provides a safe home for orphaned and injured animals who sadly cannot be released back into the wild
- Our Carnivore Conservation Research Project researches and protects threatened wild cheetahs, leopards and brown hyena.

Supporting the marginalised San Community
- Our Clever Cubs School provides free education for San Bushman children.
- Our Lifeline Clinic provides free healthcare to the San Bushman community in Epukiro.

Naankuse also runs the only charity lodge in Namibia where all the funds go back to the foundation.

Naankuse is supported by the Jolie-Pitt Foundation and depends solely on donations from sponsors and volunteers.