
I’m just a regular blue collar working bloke living in Mackay Qld who has tried and tried to create financial security for his family and have been struck down at every attempt, but I haven’t given up yet and now I’m going into to battle with the big boys of social media and thought you may be interested in my story.
I have developed a new social media platform called (KIT) which stands for KEEP IN TOUCH. It has taken over 3 years and a substantial sum of money to complete and finally launched on iOS and on android devices. I really hope you find this to be a “good news story” which you can air on your local & national news.
The concept was to make a more personal experience for the user and allow them to make their own choices as to who, and what they want to see. The platform is broken up into 3 age groups, Adults(18+), Teens(13-17) and Kids(0-12). I felt it was important to have Kids as an option because they are the future of our society and need to learn about computers and networking, the Kids age group has limited content and prior to sign up the child requires permission from their parent or guardian before being accepted, once logged in the parent/guardian will have view only rights of their child’s activity, this will give the adult peace of mind in what their child is viewing and who they are communicating with whilst still allowing the child to gain important computer numeracy and literacy skills.
For the other age groups, they can sign up without any restrictions, however the teens will not have the full range of interests either that the adults will have. Each age group is limited to that group, and they cannot see any other age group postings (except for the parent who has a child with an account, but this will be limited to only their child’s activity, meaning they cannot surf the site looking at what other children post).
The setup for an adult is as follows, firstly you add your personal details in like you would on any other site, then verify yourself via SMS or email and you become a member. You then have choices to choose from, these choices will filter what you see on you home page. Firstly, you will be asked what continent you wish to see posts from, you can choose all continents or just a few, the choice is yours, the idea of this was to stop some of the scams getting around from different countries by limiting their access to you. Next you be asked to select your interests, there is a list of different things to choose from, things like; outdoors, indoors, fishing, motoring, holidays, cooking, looking for love, etc. so whatever you do not select you will not see. The way this works is every time you post a comment or photo you will first be asked what the post pertains to, then it will add it to that interest only, so when you are looking through your newsfeed you will only see posts related to your interests, making the content more personalised for the user.
Since the platform is called KIT, I have made it a cat theme for each section, for example you will have KITAGRAM instead of messages, KITPICS instead of photos, LITTER instead of friends and so on. I have put some screen shots below for your viewing and feel free to join up because the platform is only as good as the people who populate it.