
The Kuwaiti Ministry of Health has officially announced that it has been formed in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour and Kuwait Municipality, which will in turn examine all employees in the health centers that provide massage, relaxation and physiotherapy services in Kuwait.
The Kuwaiti Minister of Health stated that the workers in these centers are not subject to any medical supervision after registration of their workplaces, and due to the remarkable number of HIV and hepatitis viruses in various degrees. All workers should be checked periodically through inspection tours and taking blood samples in order to be examined immediately with sophisticated devices from time to time.
The Ministry of Health said that it uses one of the most sophisticated devices around the world to examine the samples immediately during the inspection tours, and each sample takes up to 100% accurate results in less than 75 seconds.
The Kuwait Ministry of Health aims to control the spread of communicable diseases because of these centers, which are abundant and not under oversight in Kuwait with more than 65 thousand workers of different nationalities.  
As the number of people living with HIV / AIDS in 2018 alone is more than 481 new cases, including 167 Kuwaiti citizens.
The Ministry pointed out that many studies carried out in the hospital of communicable diseases and assured that one of the most important causes of transmission of communicable diseases inside Kuwait comes from these health centers, which are free of any control, assuring that this does not mean a curb on workers, but comes from the maintenance of public health. It pointed out that the work program of the Joint Committee is ready and will be transmitted today to the Council of Ministers in order to be presented to the relevant committees, and the work program will begin in early February.

Author / Dr. Mohamed El-Kattan