
Biz Connect Holdings LLC was established to create or procure operational companies with high-value assets where these assets are owned by Biz Connect Holding and leased to the operational entities, and in doing so, create both financial and asset wealth. Where Biz Connect Holdings is the majority shareholder of a company invested in, the assets will also be placed in protective custody and leased back to the operating company. In addition, BCH will provide managerial guidance and marketing expertise.  Similarly, where BCH has the minority share in a company, it will prioritize the protection of assets and allow the management to continue with just needing feedback as to the condition of the company.  BCH is also open to discussing custody protection for companies not owned.

BCH has recently launched a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo.com with reference to https://www.indiegogo.com/project/preview/d821f029, a project focused on raising funds to develop an electric aircraft with safety features currently not available on other aircraft.