
Welcome to GrooveNexus – a new age entertainment and media place.

Where artists are spotted and spotlighted. Where fans get connected to independent musicians and bands, and their music.If you are a pro musician of any form, composer, singer, instrumentalist, arranger, DJ, band, or any other, join the Nexus. The world is your stage, let’s set that up for you. Socialize your creations. Extend your fan base. Be heard, like never before. And if you have exclusives, let’s make the most of it for you. If you are a music fan, do you need another reason to be here? There’s a lot for you, like nowhere else. A lot of exclusive content that’s carefully handpicked and curated by passionate connoisseurs of music. Songs, artists, their stories, news, reviews, events to be in, and a whole lot more! And there’re new additions especially for you, by the minute.

Artists need to be heard. Fans need to hear. GrooveNexus is the binder.