
Mamatography™ Photo Workshops offers a range of photography classes for Moms.

Starting with the basics, you'll get the tips you need to snap sharp shots faster that your little ones can run away!

Vicky Scesa is the founder of Mamatography™ Photo Workshops.
A former celebrity public relations & fashion photographer, Vicky traded up the heavy gear for a baby girl named Safi. She has a background in graphic design and has used the two together to create imagery for a variety of high profile clients. She has been teaching photography and design to all walks of life for many years. Now, she’s sharing her vast knowledge on these creative subjects with mamas everywhere through online webinars, video tutorials, local workshops and recently, the Blog, mamatographylessons.blogspot.com

Here, moms everywhere can get free help and the tips they need to learn to take shots of their babes faster than they can crawl away!

Most recently the Mamatography Affiliate Program™ was launched to offer professional female photographers the opportunity to teach photography workshops to moms in their local regions.